1 800 956 7260

   Mattera Consulting Inc. 

​About Us

If you are serious about buying or selling a business or have business related questions. John trained his Collage

Graduate son and he knows more than his years would indicate you find your way. With a history as the leading

route expert  he can show you the path that you need to  be on. John our leading expert was a homeless disabled

Vietnam Veteran in 1973, to a financially security success in 1991. John "EARNED" over 20 Certifications and

Licenses and Awards. Leslie has a financial background and Matthew is a collage graduate they are a great team 

understanding the components in several sectors, several at once in their  50+ years of business activity.

John became a route expert by first making"Many" mistakes "Remembering" them and "Correcting" them to avoid losses. While making many mistakes over 50 years very few were repeated, once you survive a mistake you become more confident, confidence makes you stronger, more focused and respected if you avoid repeating them.

John and Leslie were Matthews teachers and they expressed the process and options. Just to name a few well known brands, Snapple, Froze Fruits. Edy's Ice Cream, UTZ Snacks, Haggandazs, Amazon Line Haul, Dietz & Watson Provisions, Florida's Natural Juices, Mission Tortilla in addition to representing Cable-vision, US Fish and Wild Life, Department of Environmental Conservation, US Homes and other companies domestically and internationally for decades.

John has been an Expert Witness for Pepsi, Arizona Ice Tea - Consumer Affairs and more from decades of national business operations with master warehouses supplying dozens of independent route operators in several states.     

                  Without a plan to succeed you plan to fail but you wont know it until you do. Its hard even with plans but it's almost impossible without one.